Internship Opportunities
Saddle Brook Farm Animal Rescue offers an ongoing program for working students / internship candidates. These positions are ideal for aspiring riders who want to learn the art of horsemanship as well as Stable Management. Sessions run during each season of the year.
We are very committed to providing an opportunity for real hands on educational experience. A working student position at Saddle Brook Farm Animal Rescue offers complete submersion and an intense learning environment in order to advance your riding and horsemanship skills at an accelerated rate.

learn to ride horses and care for animals
Responsibilities Include:
Assisting head trainer with horses on a daily basis: grooming, tacking/un-tacking, blanketing/turn-out care, cleaning tack and general assistance. Barn duties include: picking stalls, feeding/watering, general/special care as instructed, total of 26 stalls on the property.
Benefits Include:
Riding lessons with Head Trainer, entrance to all Guest Clinics on horses of various levels, lease, and show opportunities.
Education Includes:
In addition to the daily hands-on experience and riding instruction opportunities, other concepts that concern horsemanship are covered during a session, for example: stable management concepts, daily care of performance horses, basic first aid and rehabilitation care, feeding and supplementation principles, training concepts, safety routines and the process of buying and selling horses. Some horse experience is required, a good attitude and work ethic is also a must. This is an excellent learning experience for an aspiring rider to train in an intensive yet very rewarding environment.
Sessions Available:
Seasonal and year round sessions are open for both part-time and full-time working student positions.